It was a virus! Yay.. Three days dealing with "the public" and I am sick. But that's the good news!
Well, not really yay - but it seems I was coming down with a cold when I posted last. Bummer - but better than depression in general. After three days of high doses of Emergen-C and lots of sleep, I am feeling more myself. This cold comes with earaches and blocked Eustachian tubes. Ouchy. Have you ever heard and felt your heartbeat in you ear canal? Very weird.
Gracie the undignified... This is just how I looked the past three days... |
And now for a mystery. Can anyone identify this plant?
Closeup of new shoot showing more color variation. |
This is a plant I bought several years ago (on clearance, of course -
I'm always buying plants that need rescuing.) It's deciduous, and
flowers in May or June. You can see the small floral spikes forming
here. The leaf pattern is what attracted me to what was then a tiny
little sprout. It seems to thrive in the part shade by one of my
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